Timing curve mystery

If you can change the curve with the box, locking out the distributor will still let the box set the curve won’t it?

I’ve never used that ignition so I’m just guessing using the info you’ve posted.

Just because it’s interesting, I’ll going to look at that box and see what the programmable curve looks like.

Is this for the engine you had on the dyno awhile back?

Yes I can program in curve but its a bit akward with this box and I am not the most computer savy individual. Daytona Sensors is run by an ex-Crane engineer. Big in the boat world.

Yes same engine. After installing it I didnt feel the off idle power was near what it should be . Timing was hitting 25* by 1500 and 32 by 2100 which I fealt was too fast . I am trying for 16* intial at 850 rpms , around 20* @ 1500 , 25* @ 2500 and 32* @ 3000..... a more linear advanvce .

It could be that my timing light is not compatable with Multi Spark ...