HFT vs SFT Cam Identification

You do not need to go as high as 050 tappet lift to determine if it is SFT or HFT, will not tell you anything. You measure from zero lift to about 0.020 lift. It can be really difficult to get a definite answer because the line between sol & hyd has become blurred over the years, with some companies making cams that can be used with hyd or sol lifters; these cams have longer ramps than more conventional hyd cams & shorter ramps than conventional sol cams.
A couple of guidelines may help.
Here are some cams that I have degreed. Durations @ 002 & 012 lift: 296,264; 294,264; 295,265. These were all conventional hyd FT cams, not the hybrid above.

These are sol cams: 338, 293; 318, 290; 334, 298.
You can see the ramps are longer with the sol lifter lobes.