Is there an easy way to degrease and de rust a K frame?

The superclean at the car wash took a lot of the crud off. I went around it with a small wire brush and solvent to clean up what remained. The control arm bushing was bad and the metal rubbing made the hole oblong. I fixed it by welding on a small blob of metal and grinding it down to proper size with a dremel tool. I sandblasted the K frame in my sandblast cabinet. Then I used a siphon blast out of a bucket outside to get the inside and places I couldn't get in the cabinet. It was tight in the cabinet. I was happy with how clean it was inside and out.
There are easier ways to clean and derust these parts but they involve a lot more time and money. In the end I accomplished the job quicker and for free by doing it at home. My end result was the same or better than having it done. Now on to painting.

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First of all, great job. There are lots of ways to paint it, just make sure you use a good quality paint. Second, thank you VERY MUCH for following up and sharing with us what you did. It doesn't happen often enough. It is always nice to see someone ask a question, get lots of responses, digest the information, and then choose a path and share the results with us.