Well I figured out what happened now I gotta figure out WHY it happened.

Well I’ve been morning the death of Propane and I got the call this morning that his ashes are ready for pickup so that’s tomorrow morning. Today the old fat guy got out of his chair and got this powerglide installed in my black duster. I still have plenty to finish up but at least it’s in and bolted up. That’s the hard part by myself. The new stands worked so much better than my quick-lift letting me climb in and out easier to see which way the transmission had to go. Plans were to mount new front tires if everything seemed good and hit keystones Friday test n tune and if all was well race Saturday. But because they were rained out 4 times straight they canceled Friday and made Saturday test n tune. So I can slow down a little and aim for Saturday. I have new slicks too but that takes awhile with sealing them up with Dawn soap, taking them to get mounted, and then I bubble balance them here. Man I hope I have this transmission right now.