Stop calling here!

Before we got rid of our landline, it never failed that the calls would come right about the time we sat down to eat supper. One night we got a call from "Duct Masters" trying to sell us a cleaning package. I said "Hello" and the girl says "This is so-n-so from Duct Masters, and we would like to talk to you about cleaning your ducts." I said "Honey, I don't have any ducks. I have 12 chickens, 9 guineas, 3 geese, and a black swan that is meaner'n hell" She says "Oh no sir, you may have misunderstood, as we are offering to clean your ducts." I said, " I just told you, I don't have any ducks, but I have 12 chickens, 9 guineas, 3 geese and that mean assed black swan."
We went thru that about 4 times before she gave up! My wife was rolling on the floor laughing, and I couldn't stand it so I hit redial, and she actually answered! I said "Since you don't want to clean my ducks, could you at least come and see if you can help the black swan? Last time I tried to give him a bath, I lost a finger!" She was quiet for a few seconds, and CLICK!
