Eagle SIR6123CB rods Vs stock.

New rods v recon. The cost difference.

Also depends on where you live. For we Aussies, you are better off buying new rods if you are working on a popular engine that have Scat/Eagle replacements. With labour rates at $80-120, it is a no brainer: buy new rods. You are also getting a better grade of steel & a lighter rod.

I would appreciate you not talking for all of us down under. :)
It doesn't take all day to resize a set of rods and I don't reach for a new set all the time just for the sake of it, especially on engines that have good factory rods.
It's about $570 Au for those rods from Summit, to Sydney ( more if your Regional) delivered to your door. Maybe less if you find someone local who's got them cheap for whatever reason :eek:
Then you would need them checked for size anyway, because they are the cheaper end of the Chinese rods.
Oh yeah, then make sure the pistons take floaters.
Tell you what Barra, if you get new rods, I'll buy those factory ones for $20 plus postage.