Eagle SIR6123CB rods Vs stock.

Post # 37. How would I or anybody else know where you are...if you don't tell us. If you are in Australia, then you must be pretty ignorant [ which you showed with LSA/LCA ] about labour costs here which are much higher than for our friends in the US. I assume the factory rods have pressed pins & Barra would probably have to pay to have the pistons removed. More expense. Then there is the added cost of new rod bolts.....
And you claim the new rods would need to be 'checked for size'. What makes you think the person closing & honing used rods couldn't make a mistake? Wouldn't these need to be checked for size?
You still crying about LSA,LCA?? That's sad.. You use your terms and I'll use mine..
Does it matter you didn't know I am an Aussie?
You just shouldn't be doing it in the first place..
Not to mention the fact that I have referenced places here in Australia like Max Wedge at Dural and called you a "bogan". Maybe you should just pay more attention?
Talk about being ignorant
Our labour costs are high, but so are our wages. You left that little tidbit out, didn't you?
It doesn't take long to press off pistons, and if you've ever done it yourself, you'd know that.
Most machinists will do it as a job lot.
If you ask, a machinist will run a bore gauge in your honed rods while your there to verify the size. That's a bit hard to do when it's being done in China.
Want the rod bore set to the minimum or anywhere you want? The machinist can do that too.
Fitting better rod bolts is part of the cost because that's what the actual upgrade is all about.
Now why don't you go ask David Vizard what your nest opinion should be and get off my lawn..LOL