Lesson of the day

I have a Spinal Cord Stimulator, have a herniated disc (L5). Stimulator has eliminated all the sciatic pain it was causing. Part of the agreement I had to make with the Pain Care doc was to see a mental health provider. Have been seeing one for 3 decades or so not a problem. Doc gives me a list of names. Several on them I have already been to and walked away from. Started seeing one of them, turned out to be a good fit.
I have been living with several mental health issue for all of my life. I have said/done some very hurtful, cruel things to many people.
Seen the shrink today. Soon as I sit down he asks if I have ever felt any remorse or guilt in regards to (his words) the shenanigans in my past. Told him the truth, which is no.
He replied with "back to the drawing board" which made me laugh....which triggered the stimulator...which set off a very colorful string of profanity from me...which made him laugh which got me laughing again...and well the stimulator lit me up again.

The lesson I learned today. Never leave the remote for the stimulator in the truck, you just never know when you will need it.