Electrical panel question

I'm stumped here so I'm hoping one of you guys have ran into this issue before and know what to do.

I've got an old 125A Zinsco combo main panel w/meter that I need to replace. The panel is mounted to the outside of my house, just left of the garage door. The feed from the power company comes up from the ground and enters the panel smack dab in the middle of the bottom of the panel.

Every single panel I've come across online has the entrance hub on the bottom left side of the panel. If I tried to install one of these, the panel would protrude to the right into the garage door opening because of the entrance hub being on the left side of the panel instead of coming up in the middle.

I figured I could find a panel that has the bottom hub either in the middle or on the right because at least if it was on the right, I'd be able to keep it away from the garage door opening.

I've searched for a couple days and can't find a single panel made like this. I called a couple of local electrical houses and they gave me a pretty quick "no", which makes me believe there is no such a thing anymore or they're just too lazy to even look into it.

Was wondering if you guys had any ideas?