Requested oiling mod info

Allow me a stupid question. Wouldn't grooving the rear most camshaft journal or using a grooved rear camshaft bearing provide full time oiling to the top? I know it does on a slant 6. And since the oil pressure essentially comes from the bottom end, HOW exactly do you get full time oil to the top without taking it from the bottom? Not arguing, just trying to understand. Thank you drive through.

On a small block you groove the 2 and 4 cam bearings. That gets full time oil up there. I only do that on roller cam stuff though. And then you are really pulling a bunch of oil from the bearings.

That’s why I’m looking for a relatively simple way to not take any oil off the feeds to the mains to oil the rockers. I’m going to lean on my junk a bit when I get it back together so I don’t want to start nipping bearings.