Lost my little doggy.

My eyes got moist reading that. Its very tough losing a loved family member. I know Piper would give you big hugs. When I come home from work and pick her up, she gives hugs.
Thanks for sharing, shes beautiful.

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Thanks Steve. Piper looks like the 1st Shi Tzu we had. Her name was Annie. We actually got Prissy to keep Annie company because we lost Rags...who was Annie's birth Mom that we got when my mother-in-law passed away. Getting Prissy kinda backfired, because Annie hated her! Annie was always top dog around here and little bitty Prissy absolutely would not cow down to her when she tried to bully her into recognizing her seniority....lol. Annie eventually accepted that Priss wasn't going anywhere, and just tolerated her. Prissy was always respectful of her and never went near her when she was eating or sitting with us, but she never let Annie bully her even though she was half Annie's size....lol.