Lost my little doggy.

Thanks. About 8 months ago, my wife made Prissy a new plate that made it easier for her to eat out of. She took a cereal bowl, turned it upside down and glued a salad plate to the bottom of it. It was much easier for her to eat because she didn't have to bend over so far to eat. With her vertigo, she would loose her balance when she tried to bend over so far to eat. For about the last 5 months, I would lay in the floor with her twice a day while she ate, and rotate her plate for her so she could easily find her next bite because she couldn't see very well. She was an Imperial Shi Tzu, which are a small version. She only weighed 9 lbs back in her fat girl days...lol.
Thank you to all who have replied, and others that will beyond this. Reading your stories and seeing pics of your furry family members certainly does help.
She is fully capable of eating. After he passed away she stopped eating out bowls plates even off the floor. We have to hand feed her most of the time