First time having manual brakes, are mine bad?

Couple suggestions:

1. I would suggest doing some simple tests - Jack up the car, spin the wheel and have someone hit the brakes. Does the wheel lock right up? Do this for the back wheels too to isolate a potential problem. It could be related to both front and back brakes. If the wheel locks up, can you turn the wheel with the brakes applied? If the system is as bad as you say it is I would think you will be able to manually turn the wheel with the peddle applied.

2. Pump and hold the peddle hard. Open the bleeder. When you open the bleeder screw does the fluid come shooting out?

3. Did you inspect/change/research which metering blocks to use? There could be a problem with them.

4. Are you sure the master cylinder push rod is adjusted properly or is correct?

I will try jacking each end up and testing them.

Fluid does come shooting out on all 4 bleed ports.

I did not do much research on the block. I just ordered mine from Dr Diff, it was the only one on the site.

I reused the stock push rod. The adjustable one I bought didn’t have a thick enough retainer bushing to stay inside the master. It would pull out too easily.