Converting to '68 style windshield gasket

I wish you well. I paid a lot of money to a local supposedly well reviewed glass co. to install the front/ rear glass in my 74, and they are like SCREENDOORS on a SUBMARINE. I was back there FOUR times.

STILL don't have it resolved
Either they don't make seals like they used to or the factory hands were wizards. Jk ..partially.
I found I needed sealer on places I wouldn't think I did, like between the glass and seal channel itself and even had to add a little extra because it held for the 1st rain... then leaked during a heavier one.. so I added sealer under the seal to top widow sil and that did it.
The bottom held fine with the thin butyl rope I laid down. The sealer flows, and thats what's good about it...because while factory used glaze and butyl too to seal imperfections... the sealer will find it's way into any leak and seal it.