Barracuda Interior Panel Question

Mine was in a much worse off condition than that so it took some 3m spray glue, a heat gun, some binder clips and a piece of sheetmetal.

My vinyl wouldn't reach to the end of the board so I heated it up slowly and stretched it until it was pliable enough to reach. Then I sprayed the glue underneath and while adding a little heat here and there, I stretched the vinyl to the edge of the board and then used binder clips to hold it to the edge. The vinyl has a little channel in it that you can place the binder clip into so it doesn't put small dents in the vinyl. This channel also tucks underneath the chrome trim piece so it can't be seen anyway. Once it was stretched and looking straight enough, I took a piece of sheet metal and placed it on top of the panel and placed a few heavy objects on it to keep the vinyl held down to the board evenly with the glue. The next day I took it all apart and it stayed in place nice and flat.

Now my issue is that one of the clips on the back pulled through the board and will no longer hold on. Does anyone know a way of repairing this issue in a way that lasts?