Garage heater affect painting?

Personally I would not use any open flame heating device in a garage.
Not my first choice either but I'm severely space limited. It's pretty dry around here in the winter considering it is usually below freezing from Dec to March, but I'd have to look up average humidity.
There are two things that could be a big problem there for you - fumes and CO build up if not adequately ventilated - and propane creates water - which is not very conducive to a good paint job.
The water/humidity was my concern and the reason I asked. I might be able to squeeze in a vented NG heater like you can get a the farm store, but not in the near term.
I used a gas topedo heater before paint then shutdown ,sprayed then waited for air to clear before turning back on. Wasn't easy but it worked
This was the process I was thinking of. I guess I'll break out the weather station and see how much humidity it generates and go from there. In years past doing general work, I crack the garage door 2" to vent while the burner is on and I have a portable CO meter in the work area.