Last one to post in this thread wins!

Sounds better than my Mon. The manager and I had a discussion about her son doing some work a few weeks back, at the jobsite. I said his biggest issue was he doesn't bring tools to work with. She said he has tools at home. He could run home and get what he needs.
Fri, I was told to get some paint and roller so he could do some painting. Fri, I bought paint and made sure there was a roller and paint tray, plus drop cloth.
Mon, she asked me if I had left a step ladder, extension, etc, so he could paint. I said she didn't ask for those things, and I was under the impression that he was bringing his own tools. Apparently, according to her, I'm supposed to leave my tools there for him to use, regardless if he has his own tools or not, just because she wants her son to do work there.

I didn't leave my tools there, and he didn't go home and get the tools he needed. He just did a cruddy job that I'll have to go back behind him and make better.

When I started the job, I was told that I'm supposed to supply my own tools. I bring my own tools, in my own truck. Her son rides to work with mommy. He keeps tearing up his Jeep his mom bought him.

On another note, I started putting out Christmas decorations for clients yesterday. 50 trips up and down the stairs. Still not done, have to go back sometime this week to finish up, then I have outside lights to do.