Why all the hate for youtubers?

I personally am a fan of YT due to the wide scope of stuff that is out there. And there is most definitely a ton of garbage out there. But there is a lot of cool, entertaining and informative stuff. If I don't like it or it sucks, I'll quickly move on to something else. I am in control of what I watch and someone said it before, but you can't beat the price.
It's definitely not something everyone should be doing, so I decided to start my own channel anyway. :steering:
I do it because it is fun for me though I do try to produce content that others may enjoy watching or find entertaining. I know there's at least 4 or 5 people out there that have similar interests to me.
I don't try to be hateful, spiteful or some kind of jerk to stir up controversy even to the trolls out there. I only want to have fun and hopefully bring some of that fun to those that share common interests.
Check out my channel if you're interested. Hopefully it doesn't suck.
