Why all the hate for youtubers?

Read much? I said no such thing.
No, but I did. It's fooking entertainment, with automotive subject matter, some of which may prove informative/valuable. If You have any business performing/executing any of it, You know the difference between BS Hickaboo logic, & stuff that works. If You want to learn tech, go buy as many books authored by folks who have been there & done it in championship fashion You can, & READ!!!
Take in as much info from as many sources as possible, and if You've got the gift, You'll figure out the rest. If You just want someone to give You the "Combo-o-Magic", there are tons of builds w/dyno tests documented, and there's a sticky in the SB Forum with just that.
UTG is a SHOW, & that's it. The content validity rides like a tsunami wave up & down, from right-on, to WTF? LOL!! If anyone takes that crap seriously enough to get "hateful" towards Him, or anyone, I'd seek counseling.