Ca. Bay Area winters are brutal!

I will take a dry -10 over a wet SF 29* anyday !
That's real. Alot of people don't understand that cold is very dry. Here in Minnesota we average about 60" of snow in an average winter. That equates to 6" of water over 3+ months. That's more like desert climate. Just colder. Just before winter. In November as temps fall, but we still have higher humidity and moisture. It produces that bone chilling cold. -10° low humidity winter weather is stinging on exposed skin of longer duration. (The colder, the shorter the duration.) If you are adequately covered? And it's light winds? It can actually be pleasant.

I will start my street 440 GTX from the time to time. And once it's done bitching and moaning about the cold start? It LOVES that dry winter air. And wants to go. But of course salt on the roads don't make that feasible.