Gift for the wife

When I was a kid Dad got the neighbor over with his old RD-7? Cat to plow out the lane from the road to the barn, so we could butcher. Our tractor could not have busted the berm in the ditch, and may not have handled the snow, either. This happened on Christmas Eve day

So late, it was getting dark, so likely 3:30--4PM Norm had the Cat shut down near the road, Dad and he were yakking, and Norm says "Well I guess I better get this home, I still have to go downtown and find something for the old lady for Christmas!!"

So here's the deal. This was early 60's, in our small town of maybe 3500 people. There would have been NOTHING much open at that hour on Christmas Eve 'cept maybe the IGA grocery store, what did he buy her, maybe a toaster?