Bit chilly

It's no where near as bad as it's made up to be. Glaciers melt every few years and then refreeze. It's a cycle that's been going on for centuries, nothing new
You can't even get an A body Mopar on a Mopar a body forum and I'm supposed to take global warming advice from you?...
Anyways back to the subject of it being cold out.
It's about 20° here (and a record 116° the last summer) and we lost power last night at 8:30 and it finally came on just a couple hours ago. Luckily I have a fireplace and got another half cord of wood just last week... And oddly enough I never behind me is on a different electrical grid and shut me a cord this morning so I could make a pot of coffee and plug my refrigerator back in and get our phones charged...
I think a few years back the opposite happened and we had to stretch them out of cord for half a day...