Anyone been to Germany? Worth going?

Germany is really cool, I've only been there for a weekend visiting my cousin while he was doing his doctor's residency at a hospital but the town of Gelnhausen where he was living at the time was gorgeous with tons of history. I was lucky enough to be there for one of their town market/bazaar things where everyone puts out their arts, crafts, old trinkets etc. and it was so neat. So much history too, town has a very old cathedral from I think the 1300s and iirc the town was founded in the year 1130. I really want to go back and spend more time.

I also think it's super important for Americans to travel to other parts of the world because we're kind of isolated thanks to having to fly over a major ocean to visit a foreign country (besides Canada or Mexico of course). I've also been to Jordan, France and the United Arab Emirates. I really recommend checking out a middle eastern country that's "safe" like Jordan, Morocco, UAE, Egypt, Qatar (Israel doesn't count lol) because sadly what we've been led to believe by the events of the last 20-odd years and our media paint a picture of the Arab world that is not very accurate.

Next countries I want to visit most are Turkey and southern Spain. Seeing Istanbul and the Bosphoros(sp?) as well as the Alhambra mosque are on my bucket list.

Oh and for the record I'm not fluent in any language besides English lol. Like others said as long as you at least try to speak their language, foreigners will generally welcome you with open arms. Even if you don't most cultures treat foreign visitors very well and English is pretty much everywhere.