Windshield trim repair.

Get a clip removal tool, watch a youtube video on how to do it and then remove the trim, inspect the windshield area. You may find you have holes rusted right into the interior of the car...or you may just need a few new clips. I would clean it all up and brush a urethane sealer over the windshield area which is covered by the trim. Then install new clips where needed and snap the trim back down. There are like nail heads that the trim keyhole goes over and slides over. If the stud is missing then you have to decide to go major and fix it correctly or glue it down. So to answer your question, yes you could glue it down but I would encourage a correct repair and inspection since water can sit in these areas and rust the sheet metal through. Disclaimer: I've worked on so many cars from the 60's-70's that my description of the stud and clip may be a bit off but they all work the same way.