Shipping Parts

Thus far, I've been pretty lucky with the classifieds here. I guess I'd just expected that to be the case with a bunch of people trading in sometimes-irreplaceable parts. EBay's another story. I bought a partial stereo in 2021 just to get one component. Dude had a low opening bid which I'm sure he expected to skyrocket. It didn't. Apparently it was my fault that nobody else bid, so he got salty while packing it. One layer of bubble wrap on the bottom, one on the top, and three components just sitting atop each other in a too-large box. It looked like it was delivered by the Memphis Belle--no thanks to slipshod taping with the cheapest tape possible--but luckily the Kenwood CD carousel that I didn't want absorbed all the damage.

I literally made my living for two years selling Mopar parts on eBay, so I've seen the havoc every shipping company can wreak and did my share of damage control ("Look at the label's weight--I assure you there was a Powr-Lok in the box when I shipped it."). Extra effort in packaging is still a lot less work than a freight claim. I rarely sell parts anymore. However, if I do advertise something you want, I assure you I already have a package in which it fits and it'll be protected it the way I'd expect to receive it.