Torker 340 Intake Value

ahhh the days of rattle bomb building a motor on a beer budget over the weekend. a torker freshly plucked from the scorched earth junkyard with janky adapter and a TQ from a truck you picked up on the way out to the cashier.

slap that sillyness onto a stock compression 318 and slide in a 509 MP bumpstick, send it thru a stock 904 with the line pressure jacked up and end it with a 3.23 peg leg.

wonder why it don't have enough power to pull a drunk ***** off a piss pot, and then grin ear to ear when the TQ 2ndaries hit WFO at 55mph and it feels like it's either gonna take off or all come apart.
Ahhhhhhhhh, them were the days….. oh yea, I remember them fondly. It felt like I found a thousand year old Millennium Falcon slapped together with duct tape and bubble gum shaking to the high heavens approaching dangerous speeds and the drunken lot of us screaming…. Some screaming in fear, some screaming in a chant - faster, faaaaster, FASTER, FAAAASSSSTER!!!!!

I have to say honestly, I don’t know what made more noise, the screams or the rattling of the car.