Sharktooth grill and 3d print. I had a thought.....

Yes get me dimensions and I can make something for you

Or if you have a small section of grill from a broken grill that would be better.

My bet is that Chrysler used some sort of mask (adhesive decal???) to mask off the area to NOT be painted.

I have seen where there is slight overspray on areas that would not be painted, so maybe they had a spray gun that was computer (they had them back then) controlled and would start stop in a pattern while the the part moved under it?

OR maybe a screen print os some kind????

This is a great topic for discussion guys!

I always thought the grills and other multipainted plastic trim was sourced out to another supplier. Can't see slowing down an assembly line to do this when it is easier, faster and cheaper to just install a prepainted part. Remember, Chrysler/Dodge/Plymouth made these cars by the thousands.
Of course I'm just guessing here. It would be great to hear from someone who was actually there. There must be at least one member on this site that knows for sure.
