Anyone here live in the Eastern outskirts of Austin?

I lived in Mo. for37 years been in Texas six but is native Texas and from 5 generations back. Raised in Llano an hour or so from that Liberal chit hole. Llano is the real rural Texas. A place the typical Austin resident would visit for their bar b q and laugh at it on their way back to the city!

Austin. The meca for high tech industry, liberal, younger Liberal generation types. High cost partially due to people moving in from Ca. West Coast. Been going on decades. It keeps growing (outward) and getting more expensive. Then the outward communities become the new Austin.

There is Austin and there is the rest of (the real) Texas basically.

Quality of life???? Not the same thing as a bigger pay check. You have quality of life where you are, but too damn cold and all that friggin snow!!!!!!
You people just cant help yourselves. So now Austin is the new "**** hole" of Texas (says you) because you think it's full of "liberals" and of course that automatically makes it a **** hole
If Austin is the place for high tech, id think that would be a good thing, jobs opportunities bring revenues.
More business's means more economy, more growth to support all those tech industries
There's a lot of **** holes in Texas just like any other state I suppose, Austin isn't one