For those interested in building a PTS flowbench...

I should add to that on my digital manometer has a place to hook up rubber lines to hook up probes to Check intake (J hook) and exhaust (straight) probes too. Checking airspeed has taught me more than anything and I couldn’t do it till I built this bench. I bought two extra probes as I have a handheld digital manometer and I’m going to see if I can calibrate it so the friend that bought my bench could further his education. I also bought an automatic depression control that when I changed my lift it would automatically go to 28 inches. I bought it probably six years ago and never wired it in. Probably never will. Bruce offered to buy it back from me. Lol. He’s working on a nice panel now and is going to make me one. For the Facebook guys he on there.

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Been a bit so I thought I'd bump this up a bit.

What vacuum motors did you use when you built yours? I'm seeing some up on ebay for really cheap that claim new Ametek, single stage, 120,5CFM, 240v at 5.5A. I can get 6 for less then $180.

Is 2 stage important? What other factors need to be considered?

EDIT: Found my plans and the 2 stage 115923 is explicitly called out so single stage is out. That said, these can be found for less than $70 each which isn't bad.