Has the motor jumped timing?

The carburetor has about 6 wires going to it.

That is a Lean Burn carb at least. It might also be a feedback carburetor. Post a picture of it, and check the rear face of your exhaust manifold's central collector area; is there an oxygen sensor in it, with a single wire going to it? Either way, a Lean Burn-to-conventional changeover involves the carburetor, too, not just the distributor.

Does this vehicle still have its catalytic converter(s)?

we replaced the distributor gear before we put it in.
There are many ways this can go badly. It's tempting to use the hole that comes pre-drilled in the new distributor gear, but that's wrong; it has to be done right. And reinstalling the distributor sometimes requires patience and persistence as well.

It's not a bad idea to check for a slack timing chain, but you already know the truck quit because no spark, which means unless you have terrible luck and the T-chain jumped at the same time your ignition system failed, you can pretty well rule out a sudden T-chain problem for now.