First step to restoring my 1974 Duster; Front End rebuild (coilovers needed?)

Swimming up stream here but I prefer coil overs for sure. There is a bunch of different ways to do this and as you have already seen some passionate opinions @HemiDenny is a great vendor (HDK) on here as well as the guys already posting. In the end you have got some great advice from a bunch of knowledgeable folks. I would suggest researching the countless threads on this topic and get a broad view of the subject. A bit of research time and effort is well spent when it comes to front ends. I am biased as I race and have several HDK components on multiple rigs. By same token I race against a bunch of guys that do not utilize coil overs. Do you guy, and have fun be safe!
Yep I've been reading. There are A LOT of information here, its a bit overwhelming. Sometimes people would argue for 3 thread pages and I have yet to answer the question I was reading the thread for LOL