Why do people act like *** klowns on the road.

So today I'm on I-25 north bound towards Colorado Springs, Co. I'm in the slow lane doing 75 on cruise control and everyone is passing me and I don't care. So I come up on a semi in the slow lane going way slower than me, so I step on it and increase my speed to 85 and get in the fast lane to pass him. Out of nowhere a Nissan with a kayak on the top is on my *** and I'm flooring it but my little car takes a minute to get going any speed over the 85 im already at.

The dude can't wait till I pass the semi so he goes into the slow lane, passes me, flips me off and cuts me off getting back into the fast lane. By now I'm going 90 and he's passing me like I'm standing still and the limit out there is 75.

So instant karma strikes and he's going over way over 90 about 15 car lengths ahead and his kayak comes loose and flies off the vehicle into the median.

So I see him way ahead because once I passed the semi, I dropped it back down to 75, I see him from a distance take the next exit.

I feel like I should laugh at him for being an asshole, but I decide to take the exit and I pulled up next to him and he was out of his vehicle inspecting any damage and realizing his kayak is gone. I asked him if he needed any help locating the kayak because I took note where it went.

He was nice and politely declined any help.
Would it have been so hard to be nice from the beginning and just slowed down for a few seconds to let everyone get passed the semi and settle in.....damn
SMH, what an AssHat/ Clown Show. Could have killed someone....