Talk about turning a Mole hill into a Mountain lol

How times have changed, when respect was shown for law enforcement
I was 18, not really a wise *** but had my moments
Coming home with a friend, I signalled late to turn, car behind me blew his horn, I returned the favour by giving him the finger
I turned the car behind me turned with me, was a cop car and pulled me over. These two cops were older than me and did not appreciate being given the finger. My friend goes to get out of the car to show them his brothers PBA card ( brother was rookie cop). One cop tells my friend "Get the F back in the car and shut your mouth).
Now the cop gets around to me, the only thing that saved me from getting an *** kicking was when the cop looked at my licence he saw I lived right. down the street, like three houses away.
I told him if my old man finds about this or see's that you pulled me over, im going to get two beatings
Mind you my grandparents and uncle, aunt live on this street
I apologised, cop told me signal sooner and that was that but I got real lucky
Today? A-holes would be taken to FB posting how they were mistreated by LEO's
Like I said times have changed
Take care everyone