Talk about turning a Mole hill into a Mountain lol

In the mid 70's with long hair and a brand new Dodge van I was profiled and pulled over at least once a month going to or coming from work by the NJSP on rte. 46. Never gave them grief, let them search the van when they would pretend that they liked my custom interior and I smiled every time. Why? I had nothing illegal on me and not once did I ever get a ticket. I even got pulled over by the first female in the NJSP because I registered the van as commercial so I wouldn't have to go through NJ inspection and didn't scrape the old inspection sticker completely off. No ticket, just "clean off that sticker". Yes ma'am no ma'am, yes sir, no sir. My dad taught me that as a young kid. Those stops lasted a few minutes and nothing was ever tore up or taken out. All of my tickets were from local cops when I was in my avatar cuda. Some deserved, some not so much.