Talk about turning a Mole hill into a Mountain lol

I generally stay calm and polite whenever I have been stopped, and in most situations I am treated respectfully. There have been a few times when I was fully deserving of a ticket, but the officer didn't issue anything, and I have to believe it was due in some way to my attitude.
About 10 years ago I was driving my Ventura, doing about 75 mph in a 60 zone. An unmarked cruiser passed me in the opposite direction and the brake lights came on immediately. I pulled over as soon as I saw that, when the officer came up to my car, the first thing she asked was if my 2 dogs were friendly, I assured her they were, and she thanked me for not making her chase me. We had a good conversation about my dogs while she was patting them, then she ran my license, came back and asked me about the car, and handed me back my license.
All she said was that I shouldn't drive that speed on that stretch, and that was it.