Talk about turning a Mole hill into a Mountain lol

Respect to cops when being pulled over has saved me from tickets a few times as well. I generally don't get pulled over though, guess I'm also lucky but when driving I watch the road like a hawk all the time partly for cops but mostly for inattentive dumbasses.

Seat belt laws seem like BS, maybe they are but the way I see it, somebody not wearing theirs and getting ejected from their car could become a missile that injures somebody else. Also it's more mess for the responders to clean up and keeps the road closed for longer when someone is ejected from their car in a crash and becomes a bloody pile of meat.
Photo radar is nothing more than a cash grab, seat belts are meant to reduce or prevent injuries, should be common sense, but I get that it seems like another intrusion of rights and privacy. I was a non believer in them, until I had a lower ball joint failure one day, when the night before I had been out street racing, that was a bit of a shock and a serious wake up call. It wasn't that the ball joint was worn out, but the lower control arm split around the joint from metal fatigue.
Pretty much worn a seat belt since that day.