Question my wife asked

Im a car guy, and so are guess who gets called when someone needs help?
Right. We do.

So I get a call from a church brother, his daughter had bought a car and on the way home it died and the battery is I have a battery charger he can borrow?

I sure do, I say, but you know the battery isn't the problem, right?

He says yes, he knows

So my wife goes, how do you know it's not the battery?

So I explain if the car started, and was able to drive off, the battery had enough juice to start it. The fact that it died on the way home tells me the alternator isn't doing its job recharging the battery, the ignition system drained the battery and now the car died

She looks at me and goes, why don't they just put alternators on electric cars them?

And I'm like...

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