Marriage is :

My wife and I will be married 36 years this November. We went to school together (In same Class, literally) since 7th grade. Dated some in high school. Took our own paths for a few years after graduation and met up again a few years later. Man can she cook and she don't complain about my projects. She loves to hunt and fish as well. May be partially why we have gotten along so well for so many years. No children. She tells everyone she didn't think she could handle a smaller energized version of me and her luck it would have been twins!

Sometimes we joke with folks when they ask us how we have stayed together so long that we are both just too stubborn to give up!!! I believe the real glue here is that we both love God and our Lord Jesus and take our vows and commitments seriously. It takes two to make it work but only one to tear it down. (A house divided can not stand) Matthew 12:25.