Received a very nice thank you from Edelbrock today.

As most of you guys know by now I had an issue with a customers brand new Victor340 intake over the past winter. The holes were off by .115 so I called Edelbrock and talked to a nice young lady (Mopar owner) about the problem. She gave me her contact info and I sent her lots of pictures of the issue. She passed everything over to the tech department and stayed in contact. Member. @-Boosted- and I talked several times and he got in contact with someone on the manufacture-ring and tech side and rushed things along. Edelbrock found an issue and reprogrammed their machines to add an axis point so they could more accurately locate the mounting holes. In a matter of a few months they addressed this issue and are delivering a great product again. Years ago I would have “maybe” called once to scream and holler to get it off my chest. I’ve learned that doesn’t work. Today I received a free Victor340 intake that member @-Boosted- suggested I should get. I was pleased with them fixing the issue and the nice thank you email I received but this is icing on the cake. Thanks Bill and Edelbrock and the intake looks great.





