Edelbrock Air Gap Cheap Knockoff

Is that the guy with zero data or anything at all to back up his claim, but continuously posts some forgotten engine competition from 2003? Yeah, one guy used it in a magazine....must be awesome lol
The fella has a nice engine with a history in a competition. The data can be looked up easy enough. The full build specs are out there. I have read them before. It’s a stout mill for sure & not one that you couldn’t copy and drive around. I personally think the intake should be changed for more HP but I wouldn’t badger anyone into that move.

Is the engine optimized? That’s a personal point of view dependent on the persons goals.

I don’t know why it was built the way it was built for the competition. Following the rules that were in place at the time I’m sure there is a reason it was done that way and I don’t know where they stood at the time in there decision making and choices on the build.

Member Johnny Mac of BluePrint engines has told us of what happens on there engines when they tried different intakes. I have no reason not to believe him and he has always been a straight shooter. However, their engine is a 408, not a 318. I firmly believe the smaller the engine and the less power an engine makes the less it cares what intake is on top.

Could the RPM have made less torque down low? IDK
Could the intake offset the dyno read out and scored less? IDK

I think your explanation is great. Works, yes. Best ever...ehhh.....it works lol
Thanks. This is how I see it on at least the larger engines. I’ve had them on 360’s, both intakes that is, the RPM & the chink knock off. In the future, if things work out as planned, I’ll dyno test them and a few others. The more choices we have the more blurrier the eyes become. I think there is a place for every intake for everyone. Then again, IMO, I think the chink knock off is made just to take a slice of the American pie and nothing else.
4900 rpm peak horsepower, what?

made peak power at 6500, and appeared to still be pulling.
I think there is a confusion where the values/words were a slip up and crossed.
and you do realize those competitions are ran in a certain rpm range( 2500-6500 in this case) so the combo has to be built to suit that range.
As far as it being old.. everything about that build is still revelant today.
And I actually went down the track with that motor much more recently(6-7 years ago)
Still proving the build quality! Thumbs up!
I’d call the power range rules a great range for the average Joe building a street engine. This one was certainly capable.
So my comments are actually more to the point than anybody else that hasn’t done so in this thread.
And frankly, I could care less what you think about it. I haven’t heard of a more stout pump gas 318 since, have you? It was a bad *** little motor.
That it was and it running, it still is. It’s not a slouch for a 318 by any means. It’s also not a slouch next to other sized small blocks.