Disconnect battery when parked?

Now what if your kill switch contacts start getting corroded or loose and you get a weak connection and while cranking, you build up excessive heat and it starts a fire.

Every time you flip a switch or disconnect a disconnect is one time less it can be connected or disconnected in the future.

Valid point, the idea of my switch wearing out has crossed my mind as well.

At the same time, not sure it is a huge issue. Worst case, it can’t be any worse than the contacts in a starter and those last for years. But a starter sees instant voltage at the contacts in the solenoid while most disconnects would only see wear from the mechanical action of the contacts closing. Doubt there will be any wear and corrosion due making contact at high loads.

There is certainly the possibility of the contacts getting loose from wear though. Seems like it would take 40 years of constant use, but not impossible. And my switch isn't a sliding contact, more similar to the contacts in the starter where a solenoid pulls some plates together and then a bar holds it there.

If someone were worried about that, I would suggest maybe a solid state solenoid (assuming they are in stock again at some point).
