Let's Build a 416 with Cast Iron Heads and Manifolds

My original plan was to build the J heads I have and use them. Brian has a nice used set of W2s complete with Jesel rockers. By the time he puts all new parts in the J heads and I buy decent rockers it’s not going to be that much more for the W2s. With my manifolds in place they will be hard to spot.

Some of us old guys like doing things a little differently. I’ve had a 500 horsepower small block with worked Edelbrock heads. When I was younger I used to drool over the W2 stuff in my Direct Connection catalog. Now I have the means and the opportunity to use them.

Like I said before, if this build is not your cup of tea, just hit the “ignore thread” button.
I love that you’re using w2s now. And on 430+ inches it will sneeze 530hp. Or at least it better.