Let's Build a 416 with Cast Iron Heads and Manifolds

When I was younger I used to drool over the W2 stuff in my Direct Connection catalog. Now I have the means and the opportunity to use them.

I too used to drool over the W2 stuff and have always wanted a W2 headed SB. But, while I am probably considered old, I still don't have the means so I will just live vicariously through you. :)

I plan to do a 318 with a 360 stroke crank and opposed valve alloy heads in my Duster, so maybe it isn't a question of "means" but more "priorities"?

Like I said before, if this build is not your cup of tea, just hit the “ignore thread” button.

If there is one issue with the internet, it is that people seem to feel the need to say whatever they want anymore.

I've started asking myself if my post is really adding anything, and if not I don't post it. Been more times than not that I have typed something out, re-read it, thought about what I was adding and deleted it. Did that exact thing here in this thread.