451 overheating, even when moving

Yeah, then the mounting plate for the Pusher Fan is pushing the radiator back in closer to the fan too.

So yeah that pusher fan definitely needs to come out of there, it is causing 2 problems > Air Flow and Fan clearance issues.

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I know lots of guys run electric fans, but I just have no use for them. I've seen too many times where they fail. Motors burn up, relays burn up, fuses blow and lots of times they simply are not enough, because guys try to buy the cheapest one they can find. A dedicated race can can stand a small cheap one, because they don't run long at the time. A street car on the other hand, needs a very substantial electric fan. 100 bucks for an electric fan ain't gonna get it done. Now the guys that use the Ford Taurus fans are on to something. They actually work.