Calvert Springs; not happy

Out with the SS Springs and in with Calvert split +1 mono leafs, traction bars, mancini racing front hanger bracket: NOT THRILLED AT ALL. Car is still jacked up as if I changed nothing. See pic of spacing on a 225 60 15 tire. Effin ridiculous. I'm debating on putting the original worn out springs back and stock hangers. I think I read a long time ago that someone had to buy a -1 spring to get the appropriate height. GARBAGE. Rant over

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Why did you get a +1" set up?

Also, do your Mancini spring hangers have 2 bolt hole locations for the spring eye bolt? Which one are you using? Because if you're using the lower hole, you've probably raised the rear of the car.

The springs should settle some if this is the height when you just installed them. The other thing is, a 225/60/15 is a pretty short tire compared to a lot of the drag race based cars that are running a Calvert set up. Most run larger, and much taller, rear tires. Which will change what that gap looks like.