Project: "A Body Jr" - 1975 Dodge Colt

The Colt that my friend Carl Penley from Hudson, NC built which was patterned off of Don Carlton's gold Nationwise Colt including body molds taken directly from Don's car. Carl worked with former Carlton crew chief Clyde Hodges for some time after Don passed away.

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Screenshot_20230812_105524.jpgActually, I had nothing to do with the blue Colt. The white Colt is the one I had pictured after I sold it. I played around with the picture using IIRC, Microsoft Paint, to remove lettering, stripe, and huge hood scoop, to show Old Man Mopar the way it looked when I owned it. The car was designed for a W2 340. Things happened, I got frustrated with the project and sold it to a local bracket racer who raced it with a big block until it was crashed and destroyed.




These are the only pictures I ever took of the Colt when I removed the completely fiberglass body to paint the frame and cage. This would have been very early 1980s.