Unpopular opinion. I'm so frustrated I hate car shows/cruises.

I know we`re anonymous and say what we feel when we`re online, but if you have that attitude when you talk to some of these old boys, they may shun you off.
Agree with the loud music, I don`t mind it until I`m trying to talk to somebody.
I`ll be 63 in a few months and yeah, most of the guys there have about a decade or more on me.
This past Sat. I went to a different town about 35 mi. away, same deal, you kind of feel out of place. I get it.
They`re the ones that own most of these old cars, just the way it is, and younger guys look at the stupid high cost these days to get in the hobby and say forget it.
My younger brother, 9yrs, got a couple beautiful old goats and said he didn`t like hanging with these older guys and the cars seem to be relegated to garage queens. Oh well, I like showing and talking about my junk, so I go out every Fri. beats setting at home on the puter.