'69 Barracuda T56 swap, floor, cross member

I work for an auto supplier, but I do a lot of packaging work with the OEMs and usually they do parts at 20mm+ that move and 10mm+ for parts that don't. Now, we're talking production tolerances here so you can probably get by with a finger's width or 1/2" for most things. With the polyurathane mount the 1/4" will probably make it but it's tight.
I think it gonna have to be a loose 1/4 inch clearance to be sure. Don't wanna get it all together then take it all apart cause need more clearance then everyone gets to say I told you so lol. I do run a Shumaker Torque Strap on driver's side and poly trans mount so that should help. But 500 torque engine things are gonna move. I am gonna need enough clearance to be sure no touching.