Holy Crap!

An incident comes to mind and it has nothing to do with industrial machinery. many years back when paper shredders first came in to play in offices, they hired a high school graduate to help out in the office. She was a really nice girl, she dressed sharp and did anything required to help out. She was given the task of shredding some proprietary and confidential paperwork. Everything was going great until we heard a scream from the area she was working in, when we ran to the room and her hair had gotten too close to the shredder and pulled it in until the side of her face was pulled to the top of the machine. Just as we pulled the power cord, the shredder pulled a baseball sized chunk of her hair out. Luckily the office nurse was able to stop the bleeding in short order and other than that she was unharmed. I still see her at events and to this day she has to color her hair because when it grew back it was about 7 shades lighter than the rest.