Holy Crap!

15 years ago I damn near killed myself by wearing a watch while working on a 1200kw standby generator. To this day I haven’t worn jewelry.
One of our employees not long ago got his hand “smashed” off by a tube bender. Not cut off, but smashed off. That was a bad day at work.
i'm a total sicko... but how?!??

i worked with a pipe fitter who damn near cut his hand in two. he was holding the open end of a pipe and it rolled, said it went thru his glove and most of his hand like a hot knife thru butter.

also, i share the same philosophy: no rings, no watches. i don't even like having my phone in my pocket when working on stuff. but i do wear a pocket protector with a bunch of crap in it; i figure if that gets hooked up i have bigger problems befalling me than to worry about the ramifications of having it.